“Everyone has a different question, but curiosity belongs to us all.”
It’s finally time to shed light on some of the changes we’ve been working on at the Chicago Public Library Foundation. The curious are indeed at home in the library, and here at the Library Foundation, we are dedicated to nurturing that curiosity, we’re Dedicated to the Curious.
Our donors, supporters, and volunteers are all part of this singular vision to foster curiosity for generations to come. Armed with this vision, we will be unveiling our new look! That means a new website, a new logo, and improved communications tools. This fall, you’ll truly see how the Library and Library Foundation work together to embrace and encourage the curious.
“This year is the Foundation’s 30th Anniversary, and we want to shed more light on the accomplishments and potential of the City’s most enduring and successful public-private partnership,” explained Foundation President and CEO Rhona Frazin. “When we first heard the phrase ‘dedicated to the curious’ , we knew that it was the perfect expression of our pride in the Library’s innovations and our investment in the future of all Chicagoans.”
Both the CPL and Library Foundation rebranding efforts have been the results of tireless work by a talented team at FCB Chicago. Led by Michael Fassnacht, President of FCB Chicago, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Library Foundation, his team has generously provided more than $224,000 in pro bono services to the Library Foundation. We are enormously grateful for this generous support.
We are thrilled to show you the results of our joint efforts as we take the Library Foundation into the realm of 2.0.
We dedicate our work in support of Chicago Public Library to you, to the curious — our donors, supporters, and friends. Let’s keep being curious.
Tell us what you think about the new look on Facebook or by tweeting us @CPLFoundation and use the hashtag #DedicatedtotheCurious.