We know—it’s been another unique year. But as we navigate and respond to the changing times, we are thankful that some things remain constant: family, friends, and the Library!
Whether it be the programs and resources at Chicago Public Library or the librarians, Library staff, and Library champions like you who make them possible, we are stuffed with gratitude (pun intended).
Here are a few things we are grateful for:
The Library is now open on Sundays! Need to borrow books but only free on weekends? Have to use the Internet and print some documents? Or simply can’t get enough of the Library? You, your family, and friends can now visit the Library on Sundays at these locations! And pretty soon, all 81 branches will be open on Sundays. Now, that’s something to look forward to (and be extra grateful for.)

Live from the Library has reached 800,000,000 readers! Who doesn’t love a good story time? Especially when you’re being read to by Dolly Parton, Oprah, and President and Former First Lady Michelle Obama! With Live from the Library, Chicago Public Library has been providing access to free, virtual storytimes for families in Chicago and around the globe!

Teachers in the Library help students in and out of school! We all have a Teacher who has shaped our lives. With Teachers in the Library, the Library gives free homework help to students in-person and virtually. We’re thankful to the inspiring teachers working with students across Chicago, especially during a time when students need all the academic support to overcome the learning impacts of COVID-19.
Accessible creative community and spaces for connection, self-expression, and healing. The Library is a haven for teens to express their thoughts and voice about the issues in the city, the country, and the world through their art as they call and act for change. In the same manner, library users of all ages can connect with fellow makers and bring their creative and entrepreneurial projects to life. Guiding them are our Makers-in-Residence, Katelyn Patton and Faith Humphrey Hill.

Free digital literacy resources are available for everyone with their Library card! As the kids in PBS’s “Arthur” once said, “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a Library card!” And it’s true—with your Library card, you can do so many things, including access courses like Intro to Microsoft Office or How to Create Marketing Campaigns (among many others) via LinkedIn Learning and Chicago DigitalLearn. There are courses for every skill level, from beginning to expert, bridging the digital divide one lesson at a time.

Chicagoans celebrate storytellers and visionaries together! From Toni Morrison to Kurt Vonnegut to Judy Blume, we’re grateful for the storytellers who challenge us, inspire us, and help us see the world in ways we never knew possible. And we’re grateful that Library lovers from across the city and around the world can celebrate these visionaries together at the Library Foundation Awards! Just this month, more than 2500 (and counting!) people tuned in to celebrate honorees Theaster Gates, J. Nicole Brooks, and Amy Tan!
The Library continues to be a community hub, both in-person and virtually. As the city writes its next chapter, the Library is leading the way to create innovative ways for the community to learn together, engage with one another and grow through the changes. With online programs and events to free take-home learning activity kits and daily support, the Library meets Chicagoans wherever they may be—at home, online, or in the branches.

Librarians and Library staff support Chicagoans every day! A library wouldn’t be a library without its librarians and staff! Throughout the pandemic, they have kept the Library running and safe for Chicagoans all while making sure library users of all ages and stages of life have access to critical information, resources, and tools. Their creativity, commitment, and passion to serve continue to support Chicagoans as we rebuild our community.
And of course, there’s you, our Chicago Public Library Foundation community. We’re deeply grateful for your commitment to building a more equitable Chicago by ensuring Chicagoans of all ages have access to lifelong learning resources, programs, and opportunities.
Your support transforms lives and strengthens communities in 81 branches, 77 neighborhoods, 365 days a year.
Thank you for helping us build better tomorrows.
As we heal and recover from the challenges of 2020, our priority is to ensure Chicagoans of all ages and stages of life have access to the support and services necessary to rebuild lives and revitalize communities – across 81 branches in 77 neighborhoods—365 days a year. Make a donation and together, let’s make more possible.