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Get Your Geek On for Trivia Night

The Chicago Public Library Foundation Associate Board invites you to the Lagunitas Brewing Company Tap Room for Beer and Trivia

Chicago Public Library Foundation, Trivia Night, Associate Board

There’s nothing as heart-raising and adrenaline-pumping as knowing the answer to an obscure trivia question. On October 23, join us at Lagunitas in Pilsen, as teams compete for bragging rights, prizes, and the best SWAG Chicago Public Library Foundation has to offer.

When it comes to trivia FOUR heads are better than one!

Assemble a team of your finest KIAs (know-it-alls) and let the battle for the brainiest begin. Doors open at 5:30 pm so you can enjoy snacks from Bacci and Twisted Egg Roll, and the finest Lagunitas drinks (beer proceeds benefit Chicago Public Library.) Trivia begins promptly at 6:00 pm. 
Start brushing up on your factoids on the following trivia categories:

  • General knowledge
  • Chicago Public Library Facts
  • Beer Facts
  • Celebrity Trivia
Chicago Public Library Foundation, One Book One Chicago

Trivia Night will also feature a special sci-fi category to celebrate the release of Chicago Public Library’s 2018-19 One Book, One Chicago selection, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by acclaimed sci-fi author, Philip K. Dick. You might have heard of the adaptation of this book, Blade Runner. 
This Fall, Chicago Public Library will delve into the world of AI, robots, and technologies of the future. Now on its 29th selection, One Book, One Chicago brings the concept of a citywide book club to a whole new level. The Library brings a unique, thematic experience through informative and fun activities – from walking tours, art exhibits, to musical performances that bring the theme Imagine the Future to life. Check out One Book, One Chicago events here.
Trivia Night tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door. Price includes trivia admission, food, and full access to the brewery. Don’t wait. Grab your tickets here!
To increase your odds of walking away a winner, you can by raffle tickets (1 ticket/$5 or 4/$15) for a chance to win one of two prize package
Package 1: (1) one gift certificate to LYFE Kitchen and (2) two guest passes to the Driehause Museum
Package 2: (1) one gift certificate to Lou Malnati’s and 2(two) tickets to the Music Box Theatre
Proceeds from the event support educational programs at Chicago Public Library like the Summer Learning Challenge, Teacher in the Library, YOUmedia, CyberNavigators, and One Book, One Chicago.
Mark your calendars and see you there!


We thank our generous Associate Board event sponsors who support lifelong learning at Chicago Public Library: BMO Harris Bank, Advanced Resources, Susan and Bob Wislow, Sprout Social, Fairlife, and Twisted Egg Roll.