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Category: Foundation News


It’s A Wrap on 2021!

Thanks to you for helping us turn another challenging year into a year for the… dare we say it… books! As we count down to 2022, let’s look at all that we’ve made possible together.


Meet the Chief Librarian: Chris Brown

It was in Chicago that a 20-something Chris discovered his calling to become a librarian. So, returning to Chicago as library commissioner feels like coming full circle.


Why Do We Love Chicago Public Library?

The pandemic has been incredibly difficult for all of us in more ways than one. But the Library reminds us that we are not alone. Through its digital programs and virtual events, Chicago Public Library continues to strengthen a sense of community across 77 neighborhoods—even if we are apart.


Welcome Back to Chicago Public Library

The Library may look and feel different for a little while. But we are here for you. The Library and the Library Foundation’s commitment to empowering Chicagoans and communities navigate the challenges of recovery are stronger than ever. We are all in this together.