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Why Do We Love Chicago Public Library?

The pandemic has been incredibly difficult for all of us in more ways than one. But the Library reminds us that we are not alone. Through its digital programs and virtual events, Chicago Public Library continues to strengthen a sense of community across 77 neighborhoods—even if we are apart.


Thanksgiving from a Distance: 6 Ways to Make it Special

While we know that nothing can replace a warm embrace and the special people in our lives eating and laughing at one table, we have put together some resources to bring holiday cheer to this year’s thanksgiving.


Donna LaPietra Combines Art and Philanthropy to Build a Better Chicago

Meet the 2020 Library Foundation’s Inaugural Civic Award Honoree: Donna LaPietra. For over 20 years, the artist-philanthropist-civic leader has been lending her artistic expertise to bring the stories of several nonprofits to life. Her motivation? To serve the community. Get to know her journey and her story here.


Bridging the Digital Divide One DigitalLearn Lesson at a Time

“I’m terrified of computers,” said Jackie, a Library patron. As everything moves online and digital literacy becomes a lifeline, Chicago Public Library’s DigitalLearn empowers Chicagoans like Jackie to turn digital barriers into tools.


Dear Parents and Caregivers: Chicago Public Library Is Here to Help Out

“How do I balance working from home, housework, and homework?” “Am I doing enough to support my child’s education?” Navigating the challenges of remote learning can be daunting for students and parents alike. But you are not alone. Chicago Public Library is here to help with free resources that will make learning at home more manageable for the family.