We can help you easily update your information by logging into our Gift Service Center. Your username and password are most likely system generated, therefore you will need to reset both by going through the following steps:
- Go to the Gift Service Center.
- Select the Forgot Username link from the Gift Service Center log-in screen. The email to use is the email where you are receiving this communication. The system will send you an email with your username.
- Now that you have the Username, use that to reset your password.
- Select the Forgot Password? link from the Gift Service Center log-in screen. The system will send you an email with your password. SAVE THIS PASSWORD.
- Use your newly recovered Username and Password to log into the Gift Service Center.
- After entering your Username and Password, please be sure to click the Submit button and not your keyboard’s Enter button. If you click Enter it will nullify the log-in process and you will be redirected to our website.
- Once in the Gift Service Center, you can update your personal information, credit card, and gift payment schedule.
Should you have any problems or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly by contacting Natalie Richards at nrichards@cplfoundation.org or phone at (312) 374-5243.
Thank you for your wonderful support!
-Your friends at the Chicago Public Library Foundation