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Jessica Westerkamp: A Lover of Books and Animals Alike


An active member of the Junior Board Finance Committee, Jessica reminisces on how library programs, especially the summer reading series, grew her overall love of reading.

What book are you currently reading? Would you recommend it and why/why not?
The Accidental Billionaires and All Things Cease to Appear. I’m obsessed with the movie The Social Network and have had Accidental Billionaires on my list for awhile. I can’t put it down – fascinating read! All Things Cease to Appear just came in from my hold list at the library and already rushed through the first chapter.

What CPL branch library do you visit the most? Is there anything interesting about this branch/community that we should know about?
The closest library to my condo is the Lincoln Park branch. The librarians are so friendly and everything is organized very well at this location.

What is your favorite thing about participating on the Chicago Public Library Foundation Junior Board?
I have been an avid reader my entire life and loved participating in library programs, especially summer reading series, while growing up in the suburbs. It’s so exciting to be a part of something that helps enhance current programs and outreach.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
Another organization I volunteer with is Chicago Canine Rescue (CCR). I love working with this group because they assist animals that are the MOST vulnerable in Chicago – the dogs and cats slated for euthanasia because they are too old, sick, injured, have disabilities or have just been overlooked too long by potential volunteers. 
Visit our page for more information on the Junior Board.