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National Library Week: A Stronger Library, A Stronger Community

What does the Library mean to You?

National Library Giving Week

          The library raised me. It’s my second home. I feel safe here.

National Library Giving Week

Mr. S from the library teaches me to turn “No, I can’t” to “Yes, I can!”

National Library Giving Week

He becomes a better learner and I become a better parent thanks to the library.

It feels so good to have a mentor who encourages you to be better.

April 7-13 is National Library Week. Celebrate the Library with us!

  • Visit your local branch. Say thank you to your librarian. Participate in the different library programs.
  • Be part of our online community on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Join the Curious Movement! Subscribe to BOOKMARK, our monthly e-newsletter and read the difference your local library makes in your community!
  • Show your library pride! Shop Chicago Public Library Swag. Proceeds benefit lifelong learning programs at the library.
  • Be our library champions. Share the library’s impact with your friends. Transform lives by giving Chicago’s kids, teens, and older patrons access and opportunity through Facebook Fundraiser. Click here set up.
  • Donate and help the library reach out to more people, especially those who need support the most.

The Library goes beyond the books. It is a safe space to explore and learn. It is a community anchor where people of all ages, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status learn together and from each other.  The library is all these and more because of your support. You take our library from good, to great!Chicago Public Library Foundation Giving Tuesday