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Tag: Maker in Residence


Meet the Maker: Kristin Field

Move over, tie-dye! Natural dyeing is the newest craft Chicagoans are learning at the Maker Lab this Summer. 


Meet the Maker: Carolyn Kassnoff

Carolyn brings the art of neon-bending and illustrations to the Maker Lab, helping Library users make our city glow with custom lanterns!


The Story of the Tin Can: A Document in and through Time

We catch up with award-winning artist and 2019 Maker-in-Resident Kate Conlon after two years. Her final project for Chicago Public Library, The Story of the Tin Can is a living document of her evolution as an artist during COVID-19


Meet the Maker: Kate Conlon

They say inspiration can strike anywhere. Kate Conlon, our CPL Maker-in-Resident, find hers in a questions-questions that take her to the library.