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Tag: Summer Learning Challenge


Summer at CPL is for Everyone!

Kicking off with a party at every branch on June 10, Summer @ CPL brings Library programming to the whole family. We stopped by some of the branches to join in on the fun. If you walked into any library branch this summer, you were probably greeted by the sounds of kids enjoying story times […]


YOUmedia: A Creative Space to Learn Life Skills

With Lead Corporate support from Allstate and other generous donors, YOUmedia is a safe space for teens to collaborate with other teens on creative projects, and gain skills they can apply in school and in life.


Ready. Set. Learn!

Summer matters. This is especially true for children and families who may not have access to high-quality summer activities and resources. Present in all 77 neighborhoods, Summer Learning Challenge gives children and teens the summer education they deserve.


Make This Summer (Learning) Count

Studies have shown that summer is a critical time for children. Students are at risk of losing more than two months’ worth of math and reading skills. More serious still is the painful truth that children who suffer the most are those from under resourced communities. This doesn’t have to be the case.