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Category: Other


A Sprinkle of Gratitude for Thanksgiving

We know—it’s been another unique year. But as we navigate and respond to the changing times, we are thankful that some things remain constant: family, friends, and the Library!


Seeing Mariame Kaba through the Lens of the Archives

Administrative records, banners, digital photographs, flyers, memos, program guides, and ‘zines all create an in-depth portrait of a human being who dedicated her life to creating an equitable and just society, where black people can live not in fear, but in peace, where the youth can thrive, and where women can feel safe. Get to know Mariame Kaba through the lens of an archivist.


The Story of the Tin Can: A Document in and through Time

We catch up with award-winning artist and 2019 Maker-in-Resident Kate Conlon after two years. Her final project for Chicago Public Library, The Story of the Tin Can is a living document of her evolution as an artist during COVID-19


Be a Social Media Champion

Follow us on social media to stay updated with the latest Library and Library Foundation news, updates, and stories happening in your local branch.


A Young, Rad Reader: Meet Ishaan

At four, Ishaan appreciates stories where he can see himself. He also loves learning about characters that are different from him. Mother and son share their love for diverse books lead to appreciation, empathy, and a fun family tradition!


Thanksgiving from a Distance: 6 Ways to Make it Special

While we know that nothing can replace a warm embrace and the special people in our lives eating and laughing at one table, we have put together some resources to bring holiday cheer to this year’s thanksgiving.