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Library Stories around Town


Dear Parents and Caregivers: Chicago Public Library Is Here to Help Out

“How do I balance working from home, housework, and homework?” “Am I doing enough to support my child’s education?” Navigating the challenges of remote learning can be daunting for students and parents alike. But you are not alone. Chicago Public Library is here to help with free resources that will make learning at home more manageable for the family.


Welcome Back to Chicago Public Library

The Library may look and feel different for a little while. But we are here for you. The Library and the Library Foundation’s commitment to empowering Chicagoans and communities navigate the challenges of recovery are stronger than ever. We are all in this together.


Reading for Change

Reading is the first step in a long and difficult journey toward both understanding and dismantling systemic racism. Join us as we take this first step as one community. Support free resources for Black liberation, social justice, and anti-racism.


This One’s for You, DAD!

Father’s Day may look a bit different this year. While the traditional day of BBQs and camping trips might not be in the books, Chicago Public Library is here to help you find creative ways to honor the father and father figures in your life.


Okay, Zoomers!

Do you miss Chicago Public Library?  Now, we’re bringing the Library to your homes, meetings, and virtual get-together. Download Zoom backgrounds of local branches, events, and services – for free!


This One’s for You, Mom!

A mother’s instinct to protect and care for her family kicks into high gear during this time. But while doing your best to protect others, it becomes easy to neglect your needs. This Mother’s Day, we have compiled resources to help you find your calm and center amid the chaos.


Confessions of a Reluctant Homeschooler

Helping children with homework is challenging during the best of times. As many parents and caregivers become full-time homeschoolers, the struggle is real. The transition is daunting and the challenges are unfamiliar. Don’t worry; you are not alone. Veronica Brown, one of our team members, shares her experiences as she teaches two kids of her own.