Bridging the Digital Divide with CyberNavigator Michael
From free computer courses to building websites, Michael is helping adult patrons in Chicago Public Library thrive in our increasingly digital world.
From free computer courses to building websites, Michael is helping adult patrons in Chicago Public Library thrive in our increasingly digital world.
Looking to use your computer and language skills to help your community?
In Shelley Stern Grach’s latest Civic Chat, Shelley talks with Bianca about the Cyber Navigator program and all the work Chicago Public Library is doing to narrow the digital divide.
With the help of a CyberNavigator computer tutor, Library Patron Benny Contla has not only managed to narrow the digital divide for himself, but also the physical divide with his family who reside in Mexico.
Library lovers, this one’s for you! Here are some ways to support CPL and get involved with our community.
Thanks to CyberNavigator Amy, patrons start using the computer and the Internet with confidence.
We know—it’s been another unique year. But as we navigate and respond to the changing times, we are thankful that some things remain constant: family, friends, and the Library!
Usually, patrons tried looking for jobs on their own, going from one company to the next, resume in hand only to receive the same response. Please apply online. For people with limited access and experience with computers, hearing these words meant their path to employment became more challenging. So, they head to the Library for help.
“One patron recently turned on the computer, logged into his account, and completed a short email. The look of triumph and the proud smile on his face was priceless.” For CyberNavigator Jill, it’s more than teaching tech. It’s helping patrons realize they, too, have a place in today’s digital world.