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Search Results for: Early Learning


Dear 93.9 MYfm, We Heart You

While you power along with Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song” on 93.9 MYfm, expect to hear a radio ad about children’s learning programs that are funded by donors to the Chicago Public Library Foundation.


Meet the Maker: Adrienne Thomas

Learn about Adrienne’s passion for sewing and handmade creations and how she made the craft accessible for makers of all levels.


Why We Love Chicago Public Library

Naming the reasons why we love our beloved public library – from protecting our freedom to read to providing access to various free library resources.


Meet the Chief Librarian: Chris Brown

It was in Chicago that a 20-something Chris discovered his calling to become a librarian. So, returning to Chicago as library commissioner feels like coming full circle.


2018: A Year in Pictures

What a year it has been, thanks to you! Let’s look back at the memories and milestones you made possible.